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Lawyer Live Chat

Your clients don’t want to talk to your answering machine—they want to have a live chat with a lawyer today. Here’s how you can make that happen.

When you’re a lawyer, you can’t be waiting by the phone all day. You’re in court, filing paperwork, consulting with other clients, or spending time away from work. Having someone to watch your phone at all hours may not be feasible, either. But missing those calls could mean missing out on clients.

Luckily, there’s a solution to your contact problem. Rather than asking potential clients to call back when it’s most convenient for you, you can add a lawyer live chat option to your website. A search engine optimization (SEO) company like ApricotLaw can help you set up this tool and optimize your resources.

Why Set Up a Live Chat?

Setting up a live chat on your lawyer website can help you communicate with potential clients now, not later. Many people who work aren’t able to call or meet you during normal business hours or weekdays. A couple seeking a divorce may both work night shifts, or a dog attack victim may not have had time to call you during the day.

Leaving these clients to call you back later or talk to an answering machine may stop them from working with your law firm. That’s where the live chat can help.

These live chat features can help your clients get in touch with someone right away. These chat services make sure your potential clients are answered all day, every day. They can also transfer the call to you, gather information, and make it easier to get in touch with potential clients.

Communicating Live with Your Law Firm Clients

You’re not just passing off your clients to operators, either. Your SEO company can help you set up your live chat services for your lawyer site in a way that works for you. For example, you may have a script for the operators so they can communicate with your clients and determine whether they have grounds for a legal case.

It’s not just about traffic and capturing leads, either. A speedy, live response to their detailed legal questions helps your firm get repeat business, too. When clients know they can get answers at any time, they’re more likely to return to you for other legal services or to recommend you. That helps you build your client base online and offline.

Set Up Live Chat Options with a Lawyer SEO Company

Staying on the phone all day with potential clients can take a lot of time. That time could be used for furthering your career, family time, or simply resting. So how do you make the most of your time without missing important calls?

At ApricotLaw, we can help you maximize your options with a lawyer live chat service. That way, you can focus on your current clients, rather than rushing to the phone every time a potential client calls. Make the best of your time by calling 877-203-0751 or by filling out the online contact form below to discuss your options.

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