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Jan 10, 2021

What Is Geo-Fencing?

The importance of optimizing your website to be mobile-friendly has never been higher. Digital marketers across the country have taken a particular interest in another advertising opportunity called geo-fencing to take advantage of the sudden prevalence in location-based marketing. 

Geo-fencing may be a good option for your law firm depending on what your firm’s digital marketing needs are and what your marketing budget looks like. Read on to learn more about how location-based marketing and geo-fencing works and when you might decide to use geo-fencing for your firm.

Location-Based Marketing

Location-based marketing has become increasingly popular in recent years. Along with this, so has the popularity of geo-fencing. The idea is to trigger a marketing action of some kind to a consumer when a mobile device or radio frequency identification device (RFID) enters a virtual geographic boundary, known as a geo-fence. 

Let’s look at an example of how geo-fencing might work for a law firm. Let’s say you want to try geo-fencing for your personal injury law firm. 

You might have a social media ad for your firm, offering a free consultation, be triggered to go out to anyone entering the geo-fence around the local hospital. This then has the potential to display your personal injury law firm’s services to anyone who came to that hospital with their cell phone (i.e. almost all injury victims).

These hyper-targeted ads can go a long way in increasing engagement and helping you find the highest quality leads based on which geo-fence areas perform better than others you’ve set up. 

Should Your Law Firm Utilize Geo-Fencing?

Every law firm’s digital marketing plan, including whether to use geo-fencing, varies. But for many law firms, geo-fencing can be a great way to get your brand out there and advertise to your target audience. 

If you run a criminal defense law firm, for example, set up geo-fences around the local police department or courthouse in the hopes of having your ads shown to people in need of a criminal defense lawyer. 

Or if you are a family lawyer, set up geo-fences around marriage counselor offices or even hotels. The possibilities and potential geo-fence locations are virtually limitless. If you practice an area of law that involves a specific type of client, your law firm may benefit from geo-fencing and location-based marketing techniques. 

Consult Our Digital Marketing Experts at ApricotLaw

If you are interested in learning more about how geo-fencing works and whether it’s a good option to add to your law firm’s digital marketing strategy, call the professionals at ApricotLaw today. Claim your free website audit when you complete the convenient contact form below or call our office at 877-203- 0751.

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