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Apr 29, 2021

[VIDEO] Anchor Text – One Thing That Can Multiply Your Law Firm’s Google Traffic

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Key Moments of the Video

0:09 – What is anchor text, especially as it relates to other sites linking to yours?

This has always been a major ranking factor.

Get this right and you will be one step closer to ranking for the terms you want to rank for.

This means you will attract the perfect clients and cases to your law firm and not as many tire-kickers.

0:21 – What is the ideal exact match anchor text percentage? This will help you stay in the ranking sweet spot – not too little (under-optimized) and not too much (over-optimized)… just right!

0:30 – What is an exact match anchor?

0:54 – What happens if you over-optimize your anchor text?

1:42 – 4:40 – Live examples from major markets across the country.

Here, you will learn the anchor text percentages of sites currently ranking for major keywords so you can see what’s working and model it in your own market.

These are live examples of what’s working now, not theory, so you don’t have to waste your time and money with trial and error.

Here are the markets discussed in the video:

  • 1:42 – Chicago Car Accident Lawyer
  • 2:14 – Salt Lake City Car Accident Lawyer
  • 3:00 – Baton Rouge Car Accident Lawyer
  • 3:25 – Indianapolis Car Accident Lawyer
  • 3:39 – San Diego Car Accident Lawyer
  • 4:13 – Richmond Personal Injury Lawyer
  • 4:29 – Sacramento Car Accident Lawyer

4:40 – A possible tactic to quickly get from number 3 to number 1 in Google

5:21 – A tool you can use to quickly analyze your own site’s anchor text profile. This scan might uncover serious health concerns for your website so you can take action to fix it.

Frankly, some sites are too far gone and starting from scratch might be a better route than banging your head against the wall trying to get yours unstuck.

Even though this would be a hard situation to face, it could save you tens of thousands of dollars that you would have burned on a dead site.

Furthermore, a new site (or different strategy entirely) could get you the leads and cases you’re after much sooner and for less money.

5:26 Free Offer – remove the guesswork and let us analyze your anchor text for you.

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