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Nov 16, 2023

ApricotLaw Turns One!

Happy Birthday ApricotLaw!

This is a picture of the Co-Founders of ApricotLaw, me on the left and Tom Desmond on the right, in front of The Boycott in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.

We’ve been meeting at this diner from the very beginning, before there was an ApricotLaw Inc.

On one such meeting Tom was disgusted with his Turkey burger and told the manager about it.

The manager’s defensive attitude annoyed Tom enough for him to say he never wanted to eat there again.

When we met there again the very next week, I asked Tom about it and he said, (I’m paraphrasing) “Yeah, Daniela and I have boycotted this place a dozen times for one reason or another and we always end up coming back.”

That’s when we dubbed this little local place, The Boycott.

On the day in the picture, November 3rd, 2014, we had our annual shareholders’ meeting and planned out the immediate future for our company.

It just so happens that Rob Astorino, the candidate for Governor of New York, sat right next to us with his entourage and cameraman.

He is the incumbent County Executive of Westchester, where I live, so having a meeting three feet from him an hour and a half away in Brooklyn, at the same time and at the same diner was a bit odd.

I digress.

So far building ApricotLaw has been a wild ride! Being so young and growing rapidly, each month seems like a year.

So much is happening, so many great things, and there is nothing but pure excitement for the future.

It feels as though there is so much opportunity in front of us and it is our job to grab hold of it.

It’s not just Tom and I anymore.  We have a strong team that I am so proud of.

What I am most excited about are the results we are getting for our clients and what we are now rolling out for them.

It’s amazing how attracting brilliant people can turn a good company into a brilliant one.

From our very first weekly meetings at The Boycott, Tom and I spoke about building a Lamborghini of a company.  One where each stitch is perfectly hand-crafted and where each part fits together into a powerful masterpiece.

We are far from perfect.  But it is certainly coming together.

Happy Birthday ApricotLaw.

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