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Jun 24, 2019

Organic Rankings vs. PPC for Law Firms

Ranking for your law firm website is vital to getting legal clients. You want your site to be as visible as possible to potential clients, so you need to push your site to page one on Google search results, seeking the top spots for your industry and area keywords. However, you might not be sure what the best option for you is. 

When it comes down to organic rankings vs. PPC for law firms, you may not be sure what the best option is for your unique firm. However, figuring this out can make a real difference in your rankings and help you get the traffic your advertisements and, more importantly, your website need. 

What Is PPC? 

When you want to improve your law firm SEO rankings online, you might be looking at the ads at the top of most search engines. These ads are close to the top, giving them some visibility over pages when they otherwise wouldn’t rank so highly. 

PPC, or pay-per-click, puts your ad on the page for a small fee per visitor, or click. So, when they click on your ad, you’ll pay a small fee for the ad. While you’ll be paying a little in the long run, however, getting visitors to your site can be invaluable. While a click may cost you a few dollars, a successful client can net you far more than what you spent on PPC. 

However, people may not be as likely to select an ad vs. an organic search result. While ads will receive some traffic, relying on PPC alone may not get you all the traffic you need to convert more visitors to clients. While you may want to take advantage of ad placement, there are other ways to get your brand out there. 

Organic Rankings Look Natural

While ads can help you gain more traffic that you otherwise might not have had, organic rankings are still important. While ads will appear at the top of the page, many people will focus on the first five search results on the page, not the ads. 

When you’re seeking more leads, getting your site into one of the top spots can help you gain more traffic and convert more visitors into leads. These rankings will also look more natural, which appeals to many viewers—some people may not click the ads just because they’re ads. Instead, they’ll look for an authority site at the top of the page to look at. Bonus points if you appear in both places!

Organic search result rankings can be improved through a variety of approaches, including strategic website design, on-page SEO, consistent blogging, and much more.

Choose the Best Ranking Option for Your Law Firm

When you’re trying to rank for your search terms, looking at only your organic rankings or your PPC campaign may not be enough. When used together, they can be a powerful way to boost your traffic and get the attention of potential clients.

When you’re seeking to improve your rankings and reach a wider audience, you’ll need to balance both options. That’s where a lawyer-centered SEO company like ApricotLaw can help you find the right balance between organic rankings and PPC for your law firm. 

If you aren’t sure where to start in terms of organic rankings vs. PPC for law firms, speak to us about your options. Our law firm website SEO experts can be reached at 212-202-3214, or you can contact us through the online form on this page. 

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